It's the spirit we breathe. The connection. What if we came to know this spirit as a constant affectionate companion? How would that be?
Try this at home:
Breathe normally for a few minutes through your nose and then gradually slow and shallow your breathing until you are barely breathing at all. Then briefly rest in the stillness between out breath and in breath. Feel the inner body, especially the torso and lungs. Feel into the yearning that arises and when called take small sips of breath to meet that yearning. Play with the stillness. Come to know this yearning. Gradually increase the depth of breath until you are breathing fully and experiencing the life-sustaining as sensation in the body. Rinse and repeat. Enjoy.
Breathe normally for a few minutes through your nose and then gradually slow and shallow your breathing until you are barely breathing at all. Then briefly rest in the stillness between out breath and in breath. Feel the inner body, especially the torso and lungs. Feel into the yearning that arises and when called take small sips of breath to meet that yearning. Play with the stillness. Come to know this yearning. Gradually increase the depth of breath until you are breathing fully and experiencing the life-sustaining as sensation in the body. Rinse and repeat. Enjoy.